Duke Student Taxi Rates To/From RDU Airport

- Alspaugh Hall
- Aycock Hall
- Bassett Hall
- Bell Tower
- Blackwell Hall
- Brown Hall
- Bryan Center
- Carr Hall
- Central Campus
- Duke Campus
- Duke Hospital
- Edens Hall
- Friedl Hall
- Gilbert Addoms Hall
- Giles Hall
- Jarvis Hall
- Pegram Hall
- R. David Center
- Randolph Hall
- School of Business
- School of Law
- Southgate Hall
- West Campus
- Wilson Hall
UNC Student Taxi Rates To/From RDU Airport
NCCU Student Taxi Rates To/From RDU Airport

- Baynes Residence Hall
- Chidley Residence Hall
- Eagle Landing Hall
- Eagleson Residence Hall
- Latham Residence Hall
- McLean Residence Hall
- NCCU Campus
- New Residence Hall I
- New Residence Hall II
- Ruffin Residence Hall
- Shepard Residence Hall
Same Price for all students pickup from
Durham Technical Community College “DTCC”
Elon Student Taxi Rates To/From RDU Airport

- Arts West
- Belk Pavilion
- Carlton Building
- Carolina Hall
- Chandler Hall
- Colclough Hall
- Danieley Center
- Downtown Elon
- East Gym
- Harden Hall
- Holland House
- Holt Chapel
- Johnston Hall
- Koury Center
- Lindner Hall
- Loy Center
- Maynard Hall
- Moffitt Hall
- Sloan Hall
- Smith Hall
- Staley Hall
- The Oaks
- Truitt Building
- West Hall
Please Call us for more rates and spacial discount : 919-904-1234